2022 is a wrap!

Well at least when it comes to Commissioners’ meetings.

I just attended this morning’s meeting and it was mixed. Here’s the 5 hour long video recording (don’t worry, I’ve timestamped the links below…)

Here’s the timestamped link for Public Comment, 24 minutes in.

That pretty much covers the meeting.

Did You Complete The Surveys?

So last week’s issue had 125 people view it as of this writing. In it, I highlighted 3 surveys everyone should take to provide public feedback on the future of the county.

Of those, here is the data for the number of people who clicked on each survey:

If you care about the direction of our county, please, please, please, take a few minutes to complete each of the surveys above!

My hope is that the survey results show the county that we want better transit, more housing options, and a diverse, sustainable county in the future.

These surveys are the easiest way to tell your commissioners and county staff what you want to see in our county’s future.

Upcoming Events

  • Final Strategic Plan Meeting
    • District 2: Thursday Dec 15th @ 530PM at Boy Scouts Area Council
  • Saturday, January 14th at 4PM: Create Austell Launch Party (This is our first city-focused group! Would love for you to join! Free beer!)
  • January Commissioners Meetings
    • Tuesday, January 10th at 9AM
    • Tuesday, January 24th at 7PM

One More Issue This Year…

Unless something crazy happens, I will write one final issue to wrap up the year and will highlight some goals for next year.

To help me write this issue…you have one homework assignment (other than completing the surveys!)

Fill in the blank: In 2023, I would love to see Cobb County _____________.

Answer this by leaving a comment below or responding to the conversation on our Facebook Group.

That’s it for this issue. Hope you’re staying warm and enjoying the holiday season!